
Sunday, March 2, 2014

**Salted Fish and Pork Belly in Clay Pot 咸鱼花腩煲**

**Salted Fish and Pork Belly in Clay Pot 咸鱼花腩煲**
1tbsp Oil
50g Salted Fish, diced
5 Dried Chilli, cut into 3cm length
15slices Ginger
1 Onion, sliced
300g Pork Belly, sliced thinly
1tbsp Oil
3stalks Spring Onion, cut into 3cm length

1/2tbsp Light Soya Sauce
1tsp Sugar
1tsp Oyster Sauce
1tsp Dark Soya Sauce
1tbsp Shaoxing Wine
100ml Water

1. Heat up 1 tbsp oil, sauté salted fish and dried chilli at low heat until fragrant.
2. Add in ginger, onion, pork belly and stir well. Add in seasoning, stir well and cook for 3 minutes until meat is tender.
3. Heat up a clay pot, add in 1 tbsp oil and sauté spring onion until fragrant. Add in pork belly mixture, 1 tbsp shaoxing wine and cover the lid. Simmer for another 1-2 minutes until fragrant. Serve immediately.

1. Chill meat in the fridge until slightly firm for easy slicing into thin slices.
2. Use “Mui Hiong” salted fish for better flavor. 

花肉 隨意,切超薄片(我用了整800g, 蠻多呀!)
梅香鹹魚 隨意
辣椒乾 7條,溫水泡軟(喜歡辣的可多放)
薑片 9片
洋蔥 大的1個,切丁

蠔油 1湯匙
醬油 ½湯匙
糖 1茶匙

黑醬油 大量(做調色用,根據個人喜好)
紹興酒 1湯匙(這次沒放,忘記了!)

1. 把鹹魚煎香,放涼後去骨備用。

2. 用回煎過鹹魚的油爆香薑片,再倒入洋蔥和辣椒乾。炒至辣椒乾的味道出來為止。

3. 加入花肉,略炒。加入調味料,翻炒一下讓花肉上色,不必炒或煸太久,避免把花肉煮老了影響口感。

4. 花肉上色後,加水,末過花肉即可。大火煮滾,把鹹魚放入。輕輕翻一下。加入黑醬油調色。繼續大火煮到汁收濃即可。預熱砂鍋,把煮好的花腩放入砂鍋內即可上桌。


醬汁做法** 很實用請保存下來




材料 洋蔥1/4個、蒜末1/2大匙、橄欖油2大匙、水煮蕃茄罐頭1大匙月桂葉1片、白酒2大匙、白胡椒少許

1. 將材料備好,洋蔥切丁備用。
2. 先將橄欖油加熱,再放入洋蔥、蒜末爆香。 3. 把蕃茄罐內的汁與粒倒入,再把剩餘的材料加入煮沸,即完成。

材料 辣椒醬1大匙、蕃茄汁2大匙、水3大匙、米酒1大匙、香油1/2大匙薑末1大匙、蔥末1大匙


材料 在來米粉2大匙、醬油3~4大匙、糖2~3大匙、水2杯、鹽適量甘草粉少許


材料 蕃茄醬2大匙、法式芥茉醬1/2大匙、海鮮醬1大匙、黑醋1/2大匙橄欖油1/2大匙、辣椒醬1/3大匙、洋蔥碎末1/4杯、蒜末1大匙粗黑胡椒1/2小匙、鹽少許、糖少許


材料 芝麻醬2大匙、醬油2大匙、糖1小匙、白醋1大匙、香油1大匙冷開水3~4大匙、蒜泥1大匙


材料 鹽3大匙、薑4~5片、蔥3支、米酒1/2碗陳皮、桂皮、八角共20元、水


材料 絞肉1/2斤、洋蔥(切成小丁)1/4顆、蕃茄糊罐頭1罐紅蘿蔔丁(或蘿蔔末)1杯、橄欖油2大匙、紅辣椒醬2大匙蒜末1大匙、白胡椒粉1小匙、糖1/2杯、水1/2杯

作法 1. 熱鍋,將橄欖油入鍋微熱過,加入洋蔥末、紅蘿蔔丁和蒜末炒香 2. 再加進絞肉爆炒,接著加入辣椒醬、白胡椒粉、豆蔻粉和糖一起炒過 3. 最後放入蕃茄糊和1/2杯水用小火熬煮約3~5分鐘即可

材料 熟蕃茄1斤、橄欖油1/2小匙、紫蘇(或西洋香菜末)1小匙、糖1/2小匙胡椒粉少許、鹽少許

作法 1. 將蕃茄放入滾水中川燙一下,撈起放入冷水中再取出剝皮。蕃茄切半,把蕃茄籽及汁擠出後剁碎。 2. 起油鍋,加入橄欖油、剁碎的蕃茄、紫蘇(或西洋香菜末)及糖一起攪拌均勻,煮至蕃茄熟透。以鹽及胡椒粉調味,放涼收入冰箱,食用時酌量取用即可。

材料 材料A: 蕃茄醬2大匙、咖哩粉1大匙、水1杯、鹽1小匙、香油1/3大匙糖1/2大匙材料B:太白粉1/3大匙、水1大匙

1. 將水煮沸加入材料A用小火煮至收乾約成半杯量。
2. 加入材料B芶芡,不用太濃,適量即可。(不芶芡也可以) 可用於肉類或蔬菜炒醬

材料 柳橙1個、蕃茄醬2大匙、糖1大匙、鹽1小匙、水2大匙

1. 柳橙1個(或香吉士)洗淨瀝乾對切,再切成0.5公分片狀。
2. 將柳橙片與其他材料一起煮沸後改小火煮到剩餘約2/3杯即可熄火,將所有材料渣過濾掉,醬汁即可使用

材料 醬油3杯、麥芽糖3~4大匙、冰糖3大匙、米酒1/2杯、鹽2大匙水10杯、香油1/2杯

作法 將所有的材料放入鍋中用中火煮約20分鐘,就是香噴噴的油雞滷汁

材料 水1杯、白醋2大匙、細砂糖3大匙、玉米粉5大匙、沙律油1.5杯鹽1小匙、全蛋2個

1. 將水, 白醋, 細沙糖, 玉米粉混合拌勻
2. 用中火將此混合物煮至透明,呈膠狀即可
3. 第(2)部分材料先混合扮拌勻備用
4. 第一部分 1.2.離火後,馬上加入四分之一左右的第(2)部分材料,迅速拌勻,如此反覆共4次加完拌勻,即為乳白色沙律醬

材料 4人份,馬鈴薯 4個,蔥 4根,洋香菜屑 2大匙,檸檬汁 2大匙蒜泥 1粒,鹽 1/2小匙,胡椒適量,橄欖油 6大匙

1. 馬鈴薯洗淨,連皮在滾水中煮至熟透(水面需蓋過馬鈴薯)。
2. 煮好後,瀝去水,待涼至不會燙手的程度。
3. 蔥留白色與淺綠色較不老的部位,切成蔥花。
4. 馬鈴薯去皮,切成約半公分左右的厚片,放入大碗中,加蔥花
5. 與洋香菜拌合。
6. 7. 取另一小碗混合檸檬汁、蒜末與鹽,灑少許胡椒,緩緩加入橄欖
8. 油,需邊加邊攪拌。
9. 10. 拌勻的油汁淋在馬鈴薯上,拌一拌,讓馬鈴薯均勻沾到油汁。
11. 嚐嚐味道,若不夠鹹,可灑少許鹽再拌。適合冷食。

材料 醬油2大匙、蠔油2大匙、冰糖或麥芽糖2大匙、五香粉少許胡椒粉1/4小匙、水3又1/2杯、酒1大匙、蒜頭12顆

1. 鍋中放入2大匙油,先將蒜頭放入油鍋中,炸至微黃時立即撈起
2. 另外準備一個鍋子,將所有調味料放入鍋中煮開,再加進炸好的
3. 蒜頭熬煮至濃稠,就是很好的蒜味烤肉醬
材料 馬鈴薯三百克,小黃瓜三分之一條,紅蘿蔔三分之一條,火腿兩片,蔥四分之一個,醋少許,鹽適量,胡椒少許,沙律醬四大匙

1. 馬鈴薯切小塊加水煮八分鐘加紅蘿蔔塊煮熟(不要把馬鈴薯壓碎)
2. (1)把水瀝乾放入碗中加入鹽、胡椒、沙律醬拌勻
3. 加入火腿丁、洋蔥丁、小黃瓜片拌勻

材料 味噌(須挑選鹽份較低者)1大匙、味霖(即日本酒醋)1小匙、糖1大匙水1大匙、蒜末1小匙、香菜末1大匙、蔥花1大匙

作法 1. 將味噌,味霖,糖和水仔細調勻再加入蒜末2. 灑上蔥花和香菜末即可

材料 醬油50cc、糖50cc(與醬油一樣多的量)、水50cc x 4杯、薑約 6兩 以上材料下鍋一起煮、煮沸後在放、柴魚 2兩 在用小伙 煮約 2分鐘即可食用白蘿蔔1/4條


材料 紅腐乳 60克 、料理米酒10


材料 檸檬1顆、糖1茶匙、鹽1/4茶匙、小蘇打1/4茶匙、水30


材料 蔥末 20克 、薑末 10克 、蒜末 40克 、五香粉1/4茶匙、味精1茶匙醬油膏1大匙、小蘇打1/4茶匙、水50


材料 紫蘇梅2顆、砂糖1大匙、素蠔油1大匙、梅子汁2大匙、水少許

1. 紫蘇梅洗淨、切細末。
2. 取一碗,放入其餘材料與水攪拌均勻。備用。
3. 熱鍋,倒入作法2的醬汁以小火煮約3~5分鐘至小滾即可熄火盛碗。
4. 將作法1和作法3一起混合拌勻即可。

材料 辣椒1條、蒜頭1顆、砂糖1大匙、蠔油1大匙、醬油膏2大匙、水少許

1. 取一碗,砂糖、蠔油、 醬油膏與水一起攪拌均勻。
2. 熱鍋,倒入作法1的醬汁以小火煮約3~5分鐘至黏稠狀盛碗。
3. 辣椒、蒜頭洗淨切細末,再和作法2的醬一起拌勻即可。

材料 蕃茄醬1/2大匙、辣椒醬2大匙、水少許、砂糖1大匙

1. 取一碗,加入所有材料與水一起攪拌均勻。
2. 熱鍋,倒入作法1的醬汁以小火煮約3~5分鐘至黏稠狀即可。

25.炸醬麵醬 (一)
材料 蝦米 3兩 、蝦皮 4兩 、蒜頭 2兩 、絞肉1斤、豆干丁1/2斤、甜麵醬1罐豆瓣醬1/3小罐、蘿蔔乾 4兩 、水1又1/2碗


26.炸醬麵醬 (二)


**碗仔糕 (Savoury Rice Pudding)**

**碗仔糕 (Savoury Rice Pudding)**
粘米粉 200g
水 880ml
粟粉 2大匙
盐 1/2小匙
油 3大匙
碱水 1/2小匙

猪肉碎 200g
虾米碎 4大匙
甜菜脯碎 6大匙
葱 3大匙
蒜蓉 3大匙
油 6大匙
盐 适量
胡椒粉 适量
糖 适量
甜酱油 适量
青葱 适量(切粒)



咖喱卜(Curry Puff)13个
125g 普通面粉
25g 粘米粉
25g 薯粉/粟米粉
25g 牛油
25g 菜油
65g 冰水+少许盐

马铃薯 300g(切小颗粒,蒸约8分钟)
洋葱 1/2颗
鸡肉碎 150g(事先用1tbsp咖喱粉腌)
肉类咖喱粉 1tbsp
辣椒粉 1/2tbsp
咖喱叶 1束
菜油 适量
清水 适量
盐 适量

1) 馅料:锅中热油,加入咖喱叶及洋葱炒香,加入鸡肉碎炒至变白。
2) 加入马铃薯粒、咖喱粉和辣椒粉,炒匀。
3) 加适量清水焖煮一会儿,最后加盐调味即可。
4) 皮料:将3种粉类混合均匀,备用。
5) 热锅融化牛油,然后加入菜油一起混匀。
6) 将热油倒入粉类中,用木饭匙或筷子拌匀。
7) 加入冰水,揉成软面团。盖上保鲜膜,休面至少15分钟。
8) 组合:将面团均分成13份,杆开成圆片,放上馅料;收口。
9) 中火炸至金黄色即可。

*~Satay Sauce 沙爹酱~*

*~Satay Sauce 沙爹酱~*


小葱 300克
蒜头 100克
香茅 4棵
黄姜 1块(1寸)

芫茜籽粉 1汤匙
古玛粉 1汤匙
辣椒糊(Chili Boh) 5汤匙

糖 10汤匙
亚参汁(Asam) 140毫升
浓椰浆 280毫升(1个椰子)
椰糖 150克
盐 适量
炒香花生碎 1 1/2碗




* 古玛粉味道似大茴,小茴,但较清香。

**Roasted Pork Belly in Beer**

**Roasted Pork Belly in Beer**
2 kg pork belly
2 cans of beer
Sea salt

1。Dry your pork belly
2。Make as many incisions all over the pork belly skin with a knife or a pricker
3。Rub a generous amount of salt all over the pork belly skin
4。Place the pork belly onto baking dish
5。Pour 1 can of beer into the baking dish without touching the pork belly skin
6。Roast at 180 degrees for 30 mins
7。You will find that the meat had shrunk and liquid has reduce abit. Pour the other can of beer into the baking dish
8。Continue to bake for 2 hours
9。Switch to 220 degrees and roast for 30 mins to grill the skin until crisp and deep golden brown
10。Transfer the pork belly onto a clean chopping board not meant for handling raw food
11。Cool it before slicing into chunky pieces
12。Use some of the remaining pork lard to mix into sambal belacan and lime for the dipping sauce
13。Serve with dipping sauce

The pork belly should not be fully submerged into the beer.
The skin should be kept dry throughout the roasting process.
If you are making 2 kg of pork, please slice into 1 kg each.

watermelon cake

**碗仔翅 Wan Zai Chee**

**碗仔翅 Wan Zai Chee**
80gm chicken breast, thinly sliced
80gm lean pork, thinly sliced
40gm dried shitake mushroom, softened & thinly sliced
20gm black fungus, softened & thinly shredded
60gm bean vermicelli, softened & roughly shredded
2 eggs, lightly beaten
6 cups water
1 chicken stock cube (non msg)
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
sesame oil
salt & pepper to taste
4 tbsp water chestnut powder ,马蹄粉
4 tbsp water

Marinate chicken & lean pork lightly with 1/2 tsp sesame oil, dash of pepper, 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp cornflour. Set aside.
Place water and stock cube into a medium pot. Bring to boil.
Add in meat, mushroom and black fungus. Return to boil and cook for 3 mins.
Add in soaked bean vermicelli and cook briefly. Add in dark soy sauce and seasoning.
Dissolve water chestnut powder with 4 tbsp water and drizzle into the pot. Bring to boil till thickens.
Drizzle over beaten egg and stir lightly. Turn off heat immediately.
Ladle into small bowl, add in some dark vinegar (浙醋), extra pepper and sesame oil if desired and serve immediately.

**咸蛋奶黄包 Salted Egg Yolk Custard Buns**

**咸蛋奶黄包 Salted Egg Yolk Custard Buns**
Custard Filling
Ingredient (18 portions)
125gm unsalted butter
30gm custard powder
60gm sugar
50gm evaporated milk
10gm potato starch
5gm corn flour
5 salted egg yolks, cooked

Mash cooked salted egg yolks till fine.
Cream butter and sugar till fluffy.
Beat in custard powder, flour and milk evenly.
Beat in mashed egg yolk till well combined.
Steam the mixture for 10 mins. Cool completely before dividing into 18 equal portions. Freeze till firm before using.

Bao Dough
Ingredient (6 buns)
150gm Hong Kong flour, 香港水仙面粉
1/2 tsp instant yeast
1/2 tsp double action baking powder
80gm milk
15gm sugar
pinch of salt
10gm shortening

Combine flour, yeast, baking powder, sugar and salt in a mixing bowl.
Add in milk and combine into a rough dough.
Add in shortening and knead till dough is smooth and pliable.
Cover with damp cloth and rest for 30mins.
Knead lightly and divide dough into 6 equal portions, approx 43gm each. Roll into rounds.
Flatten each dough into a flat disc and wrap with a portion of frozen filling. Seal the seam tightly and place on a paper liner. Cover and rest for another 30mins.
Steam in preheated steamer for 4 mins till cooked.
Serve immediately. 

**海南鸡饭** Hananese Chicken Rice

**海南鸡饭** Hananese Chicken Rice 

2 chicken legs
4 to 5 slices ginger
1 spring onion (shallot), sectioned
2 cups white rice, rinsed and drained well
2 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp grated ginger
2 to 3 bay leaves
Salt, to taste
2 cups chicken stock
Cucumber, few slices for garnish
Iced water for soaking cooked chicken:
1 bowl water, should cover the chicken
20 ice cubes
Ingredients for chili sauce:
2 to 3 chilies (depends on how hot you like)
5 slices ginger
6 cloves garlic
3 Tbsp lime juice
4 Tbsp chicken stock
sugar, to taste
salt, to taste

Heat oil in wok, sauté minced garlic and grated ginger until aromatic. Be cautious, don’t let them burn. Or else your rice would turn brown when cooked. Add drained rice and stir fry for 3 minutes. Toss in bay leaves and pour chicken stock into the rice. Bring to a boil. Transfer to electric cooker and cook rice as usual.
Rinse chicken and drain well. Place spring onion and ginger on chicken and steam over high heat, covered with a lid, for about 20 minutes, or until cooked through. Insert a chop stick or needle into the thickest part of chicken leg. If clear liquid runs out, it’s cooked. Immediately transfer chicken legs into iced water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. This is an old traditional Chinese way of making the skin and meat of steamed chicken become smoother and tenderer.
To prepare chili sauce, just process all ingredients with a food processor for a minute. Add salt and/or sugar to taste.
When the chicken legs cool down, drain well. Chop into chunks and serve with cooked chicken rice. Garnish with cucumber slices if desired. Many Chinese people like eating steamed chicken with minced ginger and spring onion sauce. Just heat up a bit oil in wok or saucepan. When the oil becomes very hot, immediately pour the oil onto minced ginger and finely chopped shallot. Add salt or soy sauce to taste. That’s the popular ginger and shallot sauce for chicken. This Hainanese chicken tastes fantastic, accompanying with both chili sauce and minced ginger shallot sauce.

**烧肉** Crispy Roast Pork Belly

Crispy Roast Pork Belly 
By Christine's Recipes

Prep time: 30 min 
Marinade time: 3 hrs - overnight 
Cook time: 45 min
Yield: 3 serves

1.2 kg pork belly
1/2 Tbsp Shaoxing wine, optional
to taste, rock salt
3½ tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp five-spice powder

To prepare the seasonings: Combine salt with sugar and five-spice powder well. Set aside.

Use a knife to scrape away any impurities and hair. Rinse thoroughly. Blanch in boiling water for about 15 minutes, until 60 to 70% done, and the skin is softened. Drain well and wipe dry with paper towels.. Use needles to poke the rind as many holes as possible. Turn over to other side, cut a few slits on the meat to help absorb seasonings better.

Rub wine evenly on pork. Let rest for a while. Coat the meat with seasonings evenly. Make sure there‘s no seasonings on the rind, otherwise the five-spice powder will darken it.

Wrap the pork meat with foil and leave the rind unwrapped. Place in fridge, let air dry overnight in fridge.
Preheat oven to 200C/395F.

Remove pork from fridge and remove foil. Let rest at room temperature for a while. Poke the rind with needles evenly once again. Wipe dry. Season the rind with rock salt. Bake in preheated oven for about 30 minutes (Remark: I used convection oven. If ordinary oven used, bake for 45 minutes.) Increase temperature to 220C/430F, bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until you get enough cracklings. (If ordinary oven used, move the pork from middle rack to upper. Grill the rind until evenly blistered and browned.)

**茶叶蛋** Chinese Tea Eggs

Chinese Tea Eggs 
By Christine's Recipes 
Prep time: 5 mins 
Cook time: 4 hours 
Yield: Makes 6 

6 eggs
1 liter water
2 tea bags (such as black tea bags)
1½ Tbsp Tieguanyin (鐵觀音茶葉 or any other Chinese tea), or to taste
1/4 dried mandarin peel
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
3 Tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 Tbsp sugar
1 Tsp salt

To prepare boiled eggs: cover the eggs in a pot with water, about 2.5cm / 1 inch above the surface of the eggs. Turn on the stove heat to high and bring it to boil with a lid on. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1 minute. (Remark: Don’t use high heat because you don’t want your eggs crack in rigorously boiling water at this stage.) Remove from the heat with lid on. Use the residue heat to cook the egg for 10 minutes.
Drain out the eggs. Immediately soak in cold water until cold to touch. Gently tap the egg shells with the back of a teaspoon and crack the shells. Use a needle to poke several times around each egg in order to help marinade penetrate inside.
While waiting the boiled eggs to cool down, put the remaining ingredients and water in a pot and cook over medium-high heat.
Carefully place the cracked eggs in the pot and bring it to a boil. Immediately reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove the tea bags. Cover and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat with lid on. Let the eggs soak in the tea mixture for about 4 hours, or until the eggs take up enough flavour. You can take out one egg and taste to see if you’re satisfied. Before serving, gently reheat the eggs with the tea mixture.